Aksesori cetakan
首页 / Produk / Aksesori cetakan / Customized bottle cap quick demolding mold structure, expansion joint with 6 petals, 8 petals, and 12 petals, thread stripping, screw teeth, inverted buckle, and internal shrinkage core

Customized bottle cap quick demolding mold structure, expansion joint with 6 petals, 8 petals, and 12 petals, thread stripping, screw teeth, inverted buckle, and internal shrinkage core

Merek: Presisi Chuanchen
Model: Quick release structure for bottle caps
Asal aksesoris: Tiongkok Daratan
Provinsi: Provinsi Guangdong
Kota: Kota Dongguan
Klasifikasi warna: Disesuaikan dengan gambar dan sampel
Apakah dapat disesuaikan: Ya

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